Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/94

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88 Tkt Plan of the

be no further object in perpetuating its secrecy. The greatness of the mystery, so long kept secret, and hidden in promises, types and figures, and the wonderful grace be* stowed on those called to fellowship in this mystery (Eph. 3 : 9)> suggest to us that the work to follow its completion, for which for six thousand years Jehovah has kept man- kind in expectation and hope, must be an immense work, a grand work, worthy of such great preparations. What may we not expect in blessings upon the world, when the veil of mystery is withdrawn and the showers of blessing descend ! It is this for which the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now, wniitwg lor the completion of this mystery for the manifestation of the Sons of God, the promised " Seed," in whom they shall all be blessed, *-Rom, 8 ; 19, at, 22.


"I offer Thee:

Every heart's throb, they ate Thine j Every human tie of mine ; Every joy and every pain; Every act of mind or bruiu *

My blessed God! Every hope and every fear j Every smile ami every tear; Every song and hymn, 'LaudainusTe**

s< Take them all, my bleftBed Ixml, Jiind them with thy secret cord ; Glorify thyself in me.

Adored One !

Multiply them by thy \Vctd ; Strengthen, bless, increase, my Lord

Of perfect love!

Thou Hrst awl l,*si"

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