Page:Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail.djvu/304

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Grail (Early History of), two forms 65-66, Joseph form 67, relation to Christian origin hypothesis 68, 69, Brons form 80, 86, two forms in French romances 93-94, later than Queste 93, 95-96, 103, according to Birch-Hirschfeld 108-21, 151, 208, origin of 218 and 224.
Grail (Quest of), two forms 65-67, Perceval form 67, relation to Celtic origin hypothesis 68, 69, 80, 83, 86, object of according to different versions 88-90, original form of 91, 92, Perceval form older 93-94, 95-96, 105-06, 109-26, 131, 138, Mabinogi form of 139-44, 151, inconsistency of accounts respecting 180-81, two formulas fused in 181, constituent elements in 215-16, mode of transformation 220, 237-39, 243, 245, 248, 251, 252.
Grail legend, romance or cycle, origin of according to Birch-Hirschfeld 120, 159, Christian element in 217, genesis and growth of 225-27, popularity of 228, 230, development of ethical ideas in 235 et seq., 248, future of 259, 265.
Grail-Keeper and Promised Knight, 80-81.
Grail-Messenger and Rosette, 114. See also Loathly Damsel.
Graine, 214.
Gramoflanz, 193.
Grand St. Graal, numbered E 3, authorship ascribed to Borron 5, Helinandus' testimony 52, 65-67, 70, 72-73, 75-76, 79, conflicting accounts respecting Promised Knight in 84-86, 90, 91, 93, 94-96, 99, 102-112, 117, authorship of 119-20, 121, 126, 146, 207-08, 219, 220, 247, prologue of and Brandan legend 264-65.
Great Fool, lay or tale of the, 101-02, 144, prose opening 152-53, comparison with romances 154-56, originality of 158, relation to Fionn legend 159, Lay 159-162, 163, 164, ethical import of 256-57.
Gregory of Tours and Evangelium Nicodemi, 221.
Greloguevaus, 81.
Grimm, No. 122, Der Krautesel, 195, 197, 198, 204-05, 247.
Gudrun, 233.
Guinevere, 83.
Gurnemanz, 113, 115, 249, 262-63. See also Gonemans.
Guyot = Kiot, 104.
Gwalchmai, 225-26, 228. See Gawain.
Gwion and Fionn, 210.
Hahn, J. G. von, 153-54.
Halliwell, 98, 147.
Haunted Castle, 204-05.
Hawker, 244.
Hebron 108 = Brons, which see.
Hector, 187.
Heinrich von dem Türlin, numbered K, 4, citation of Chrestien 6, 69, 91, Martin's view of 122, 125, visit to Grail Castle in 172-73 and 178, double origin 182, 191, special form of Quest 198-99 and 203, parallel with Sleeping Beauty 203.
Hélie de Borron, 105-06, testimony of 118-19, 121.
Helinandus, 52, 95, 103, 121.
Helyas 83 = Ysaies 84.
Hennessy 159.
Henry II, 118-19.
Herodias, 100, 254.
Hertz' views, 124-25.
How the Great Tuairsgeul etc., 212.
Hucher, 2, attempt to harmonise conflicting accounts in Borron 82, statement of views 105-06, criticised by Birch-Hirschfeld 111 and 118, 130, and cauldron 184.
Iduna, apples of, 182.
John the Baptist, 100.
Jonaans, 83, 84.
Joseph of Arimathea, Joseph legend, 65-67, 69, 70, and Grail 70-73, 74, 77, and England 78-80, 81, 82, 84, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 99, 100, 104-109, 112-117, 124, 146, and the Fisher 208, 218, Apocryphal legend of 220-24, 226.
Joseph, Metrical, poem by Robert de Borron, numbered B 2, author of 5, 65-66, 68, 70-73, 74-76, 77-80, two accounts in 81-82, 88, 91, 93-94, 102-103, relation to Didot-Perceval according to Birch-Hirschfeld 112-14, 125.
Josephes (son of Joseph), and Veronica 79, 84-86, 109.
Josue, 66, 84, 85.
Kay, 130.
Keating and the treasures of the Tuatha de Danann, 184.
Kennedy's Fellow with the Goat-skin 134, Castle Knock 159, Great Fool 159-61, Son of Bad Counsel 199-200, Fionn's visit to Cuana 201, haunted castle tale 204, 257.
Kiot, 6, San Marte's view 99-100, 107-08, 121, and Wolfram 261-63.