Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/40

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in transporting the Negroes from Africa to the West Indies.

The noble Earl, my friend, (Liverpool) who so advantageously for the King and Country, and so honourably for himself, presides at the head of the trade of this kingdom, in the year 1788, brought in the first Carrying Bill—very wise and useful measure: For, my Lords, should the British merchants, under any false principle of gain, crowd the slave ships to that degree so as to produce pestilence and disease among the Negroes on board, it is humane, it is wise and praiseworthy of this Great Commercial Nation, to prevent diseased and infected Negroes from being imported into the British West India Plantations. Let foreign nations, my Lords, if they choose it, make no regulations for their own vessels, and let them import into their own islands, disease and discontent amongst the slaves brought from the coast of Africa; but we,