Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/41

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God, are actuated by other considerations than mere gain. We are actuated by principles of humanity. To prove to your Lordships the wisdom and the efficacy of my noble friend's arrangement upon the subject of the Middle Passage, I will beg leave to call your Lordships attention to the following statement and calculation:—


By an account delivered by Mr. Cock, the very able and intelligent Commercial Agent for Liverpool, in a paper already much commented upon, it appears, that out of 15,508 Negroes, shipped in the year 1706, 559 died, being about 3 ½ per Cent.

That according to the New Carrying Bill, the above 15,508 Negroes will be reduced to 10,352, which is a reduction of one third; besides that a great many ships will be altogether excluded from the trade, wherein