Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/243

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and be on the south syde of the highway which leadeth from the cittie of London to Debtford, in the said countie of Kent; and all those one and forty acres, be it more or lesse, of land, meadowe, and pasture, with the messuage or tenement lately built thereuppon, which lye together at the corner or meeting of the two highwayes there, thone of them leading from London to Debtford aforesaide, and thother leading from Peckham to the said towne of Debtford; and which are scituate and being on the south-west syde of the said highwaye which leadeth from London to Debtford aforesaide:"

To hold unto and to the use of Garrard, Lowe, Offley, and Bond, their heirs and assigns for ever.[1]

In this deed is mentioned a lease to John Daveis, citizen and haberdasher of London, of the whole manor for twenty-one years, at the yearly rent of £200.

Part only of the manor, it will be observed, was conveyed by this deed, the remaining part, exclusive of the messuage and the one and forty acres mentioned in the exception as lying at the corner of the two highways, and which afterwards came into possession of the Pomeroy family, was, by indenture of bargain and sale, dated 1st April, 1614, in consideration of £2,800, conveyed by Sir John Brooke and the others to Garrard, Lowe, Offley, and Bond, by the description of—

"All that messuage or tenement, and all those severall parcells of lands and grounds hereafter particularlie mencioned, with their and everie of their appurtenaunces, scituate, lying, and being in the parishes of West-greenwich alias Deptford, and Lewsham, or one of them, in the counties of Kent and Surrey, or one of them; and now or late parcell of, and belonging to, the mannor of Hacham Barnes, in the parishes and counties aforesaid, and doe lie and be on the south side of the highe waye there, which leadeth from Peckham to Deptford; that is to say, all that messuage or tenement now, or late in the tenure or occupacion of Margerie Rundell or her assignes, and all houses, outhouses, edifices, buildings, barnes, stables, orchards, gardens, and hereditaments, with the appurtenaunces to the said messuage or tenement belonging or in anie wise apperteyning; and also all that parcell of land, arrable or pasture, conteyning by estimacion eight acres, be it more or lesse, with the appur-
  1. Close Roll, 11 James I., part 15, n° 42.