Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/244

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tenaunces, now or late in the tenure or occupacion of the said Margerie Rundell, and adjoyning to the said messuage or tenement ; and also all that parcell of land now or late being woodland, conteyning by estimacion six acres, be the same more or lesse, with the appurtenaunces, now or late also in the tenure or occupacion of the said Margerie or her assigns, and adjoyning to the said other parcell of land before mencioned on the south side thereof; one other close or parcell of land, meadow, or pasture, commonly called Brake Close, conteyning by estimacion sixe acres and three roodes, be it more or lesse, now or late in the tenure or occupacion of William Shepley or his assigns; one other close or parcell of meadowe or pasture ground, commonly called Colliers Close, conteyning by estimacion six acres, be it more or lesse; one other close or parcell of ground adjoyning thereunto on the south side thereof, commonly called Little Hacham Hill, conteyning by estimacion nyne acres, be it more or lesse, which said two closes called Colliers Close and Little Hacham Hill now or late were in the tenure or occupacion of William Deare or his assigns; one close or parcell of meadow or pasture ground, conteyning by estimacion tenn acres and three roodes, be it more or lesse, called or knowne by the name of the Wynter Pasture, or by what other name or names; one close or parcell of meadowe or pasture ground adjoyning to the same, conteyning by estimacion three acres and one roode, be it more or lesse, called or knowne by the name of Three Acre Close, or by what other name or names, both which closes or parcells of ground now or late were in the tenure or occupacion of Symon Rawlins and William Wingrave, or one of them, their or one of their assignee or assignes; one other close or parcell of ground, called or knowne by the name or names of Maunsford Close, or by what other name or names, now or late in the holding or occupacion of Mark Bannester or his assignes, and conteyning by estimacion five acres, be it more or lesse, lying on the south side of the said close called the Winter Pasture; one other close or parcell of arrable or pasture ground, commonly called or knowne by the name of Mowlands, or by what other name or names, conteyning by estimacion seaven acres, be it more or lesse, now or late in the tenure or occupacion of Robert Warner or his assignes; and also all that great wood, woodland, and ground, called or knowne by the name of Hacham Great Wood, or The Great Wood, or by what other name or names, conteyning by estimacion fourescore acres, be it more or lesse, now in the occupacion of the said Sir John Brooke or his assignes, the north part whereof abbutteth uppon the severall closes or parcells of ground before mencioned; one other close or parcell of ground, commonly called Great Hacham Hill, conteyning by estimacion seaventeene acres and ahalfe, be it more or lesse; one other close or parcell of ground, commonly called Hacham Fieldes, conteyning by estimacion