Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/291

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and xiid owing me by Ffilypp of the Wodyard, grome of the Kyng's hall, lent hym in redy money out of my purse; all these my goods and detts, in whose hands some ever they be, or can be found, or known, and other vis. viiid. owyng me by Alice Brown, the wife somtyme of Bryan Swynbank of the iii Crownes in Southwerk, for a lode of hay, I give and bequeth them all unto Catryn my wife, and Elizabeth my daughter part thereof when she cometh to her marriage (at the dyscretion of her mother); and if the said Elizabeth my daughter fortune to dye before she come to her day of marriage, then I will the same Elizabeth my daughter's part be disposed for my soule and all Cristene soules. And to the performyng of this my will I have ordeyned and made Catryn my wife and Elizabeth my daughter my executors, to se my body honestly burid and done for after my deceyse. And I have ordeyned my frende William Molynes to be my overseer. And I bequeth hym for his labor my russet gown furred with ffox. In witnes of this my last will beyng present John Dover, baker, —————— William Molynes, the Kyngs sporyer, William Vynkn, Thomas Bramefeld, and other, the day & yeare aboveseide."


The Will of Robert Sutton, of Ham, dated 20th November, 1522.

"In the Name of God, Amen. The 20 day of the month of November, the year of our Lord 1522. I, Robert Sutton, of Ham, within the parish of Kyngston upon Themys, in the county of Surry, within the diocese of Winchester, being in good mind, lett, make, and ordain this my present testament and last will, in manner & form as followeth. First, I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, my Maker and Redeemer, to his2 B