Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/292

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blessed Moder our Lady Seynt Mary, and to all the celestial company of Hevyn, & my body to buried in the church yerde of Alhallowys y Kyngston aforesaid. Also I bequeath to the mother church of "Winchester 4d. Item, I bequeth to the high altar of the said church of Kyngston, for my tithes or offerings negligently forgotton or withdrawn, in discharging of my conscience, 16d. Item, I bequeath to the reparation of every other altar within the said Church of Kyngston 4d. Item, to every of my godchildren being alive 4d. Item, I will that my diaper table cloth to be cut in the middle, and the one half to be delivered to Petersham Chapel, for an altar cloth, & the other half to Stretham Church. Item, I will that all my corn being in my barne be divided by even portions betwen Thomas Sutton, John Staford, Richard Aden, and Alice Lydgold. Item, I bequeth to Thomas Sutton a flokbed & 3 pair of sheets. Item, I bequeth to Agnes Sutton, the wife of Thomas Sutton, all my shepe and xxs. of money. Item, I bequeath to Isabell Garatt 20s., and if she decease before she be maryed, to remayn to the next of her kin. Item, I bequeth Abrey Lidgold, my goddaughter, 20s., and if she decesse before she be maryed, to remayne to the next of her kin. The residue of all my goods & catells not bequeathed, my sepulture made & content & this my present will fulfilled, I gyffe and bequeth to John Sutton, my cosyn, he to dispose for my soul as he shall thinke most best God to please. And I will that Richard Chapman & Richard Fowler be overseers, they to have every of them for their labour 10s., & their reasonable expensis.—Witness, Henry Bird, John Atwell, of Hitche, Henry Parkyn, with many other mo'."