Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/293

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The Will of Harry Lutman, of Kyngston, dated 21st February, 1522.

"In the Name of God, Amen. The 21st day of February, the yere of our Lord God m fivehundreth xxii. I, Harry Lutman, of the parish of Kyngston upon Thamys, hole of mynde & of gode memory, make this my last will as in manner folowith. First, I bequeth my soule to Almighty God, my body to be burid in the church yarde of Alhalowes, of Kyngston aforesaid. Item, I bequeth to the high altar 12d., to the cathedral church of Winchester 2d. Item, I bequeth to Robert my son a bullok. Item, to Isabell my daughter a bullok. Item, to William my son a bullok. Item, to Agnes my daughter a bullok. Item, to Alice my daughter a bullok. Item, to Sance my daughter a bullok. The residue of all my goods not bequethed, I bequeth to Margaret Lutman my wife, who I make my executrix. Witness of this my last will—Syr William Huntter, curat, Thomas Jestlyn, & other mo'. Writyn at Kyngston the day & the date ut supr'."

The Will of William Smyth, of Ham, dated 29th August, 14 Henry VIII.

"In the Name of God, Amen. The yere of our Lord God a thousand five, hundred and twenty two, the 29th day of August, the 14th year of the reigne of Kyng Henry the VIIIth. I, William Smyth, of Ham, in the parish of Kyngston upon Thames, in the countie of Surry, husbandman, being in good mind and hole memory, make and ordeyn this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First, I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, and to our blessed Lady the Virgin, and unto all the holy company of Hevyn, and my body to be burid in the churche yerde of All Hallows, of Kyngston aforesd, where my father and