Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/305

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A.D. 1543. — Johes Alynson. In the name of God, Amen. In the yere of or Lord God, mcccccxliii, and in the reygne of our sovrayne lorde Kinge Henry VIII., by the grace of God, Kinge of Englonde, Prance, and Irelonde, defendor of the Pay the, and in erth under God supreme head of the Church of Englonde and Irelonde, the xxxv th . The xxiii rd daye of Maye, in the yere aforsayde, I John Alynson, cyttyszen and harbor surgen of London, being hole in body and of pfect monde and remembronce, thanks be given to Almighty God, do make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme followyng and in renounsyng of all other willes and testaments afore made ; I bequeathe my sole unto Almighty God and to the Blessed Virgin our Lady Saynte Mary, and to all the holy companye in heven, and my body to be buried w l in the church of Saynte Owlyffe, in Southwerke, as nere as may be to the grave of Agnes my late wyfe deceased. Itim, I bequeathe to the highe alter of the same church, for tythes negligently forgotten or w^olden, yf any suche be, in dischargyng of my consyance, xijd Itim, I bequeathe to evry of my god-chyldren xij<l, if they_com for yt. Itim, I wyll that at the day of my_deptng, there be given to xiij pore peopl win the pish afore- named there inhabitying in almes, xiijd. in redye money, to praye for my soulle and all christen soulls. Also, I wyll that there be given to the company of the barbors, before my months mynde, iijs. iiijcZ. to make them a recreasyon. Itim, I bequeathe to x pore hows- holders inhabityng w^ the pysh of Saynte Awlyffe, to any of them iiijcZ. Itim, I bequeathe to Plene Wool- verston, my wyffes daughter, a fether-bed with the bedsted with all other thynges thereto bolongiug, when she come to her maryage, at the discression of Joyan my wyfe.