Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/306

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A.D. 1544. — Richard Mynar. In the name of God, Amen. The xx day of the monthe of Maye in the yere, of oure Lord God, mvxliiii. I Richard Mynar of the Pyshe of Saynte Olave in Soutlrwarke, hole of mynd and of good remembrance, thankyed be God, make my testament, conteyning my last will in this maner and forme folowing : Pyrst, I bequethe my sowle unto All- mightie God, our Lady Saynte Mari, and all the Holy company of heaven, my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Saynte Olave beforenamyd. Itim, I give and bequeathe to Agnes my wyffe, all my goods, movable and unmovable, whom I make and ordyayne my executrice, to pay my debts, and to dyspose for the welthe of my sowle as she shall thynke moste beste. Wytnes, S r John Peerse, curate; Rychard Shepherd,

Thomas , wyth others, the day of the monyth

and yere of oure Lord above wrytten.

A.D. 1543. — Thomas Colstone. In the name of God, Amen. The second daye of the monythe of September, in the yere of oure Lord God a. m c v c xliij. I Thomas Colstone of Saint Olave in Southwarke, hole of mynde and good remembrance, thankyd be all God, make my testament, conteyning my wylle in this man' and forme folowynge : Pyrst, I bequeathe my sowle unto Almighty God, our Lady Saynte Mari, and all the Holye companye in Heaven, my body to be burriede in the church yard of Sainte Olave beforenamed. Itim, I bequeathe to the hye alter within the foresaid church, viijc/. Itim, I bequeathe to our Ladys awter iyl,. Itim, I bequethe to Sainte Clements w'in the forsad churche iiijc/. The residue of all my goods not given n other bequest, I give to Elisabeth my wyffe, to nuryehc