Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/307

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and kepe my chyldrene, whome I make and ordeayne my executrix, to pay my debts, and to dispose for the wealth of my sowle as she shall thynke most best. Wytnes, S r John Peerse, prist, for the time curat; Nicholas Orrel, prist; Richard Shippard, with many more, the day of the monthe and yere of our Lord God above wrytten.

A.D. 1560. — Henry Leeke, of Southwark, beer- brewer, by his will dated 12th March, 2 Eliz. (1560), gave out of the rents and profits of certain houses and tenements within the precincts of St. Martin' s-le-Grand, which he held by lease from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, £20 a year, during the term of the said lease, to be applied as follows : — To the poor of St. Olave's, St. George's, St. Saviour's, and St. Mary Mag- dalen, £5 ; towards the maintenance of a free school in St. Saviour's parish, £8 ; but if, within two years of his death a free school should be built and established in St. Olave's parish, then he gave the same £8 per annum towards the same ; to the poor of the city of London, £5 ; to the preacher for a sermon at St. Olave's, when the money should be distributed, 6s. 8cl. ; to the parson of St. Olave's seeing the same performed, 6s. Sd. ; and to the churchwardens of St. Olave's, for their pains in distributing his legacy, £1. 6s. 8d.

Proved in Prerog. Court of Canterbury, 23rd Ayyril, 1560.

Henry Leeke, citizen and clothworker of London, son of the late-named Henry Leeke, who survived his father only three years, by his will dated 16th Septem- ber, 1563, desired to be buried in the church of St. Olyve's, Southwerke, of which he was a parishioner; and

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