Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/64

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Societies in Union.

The Sussex Archæological Society.

The Essex Archæological Society.

The Suffolk Institute of Archæology.

The Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archæological Society.

The Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton.

The Kilkenny Archæological Society.

The Ossianic Society.

The Liverpool Architectural and Archæological Society.

The Ecclesiological (late Cambridge Camden) Society.

The St. Alban's Architectural and Archæological Society.

The Irish Archæological and Celtic Society.

The Warwickshire Archæological Society.

The Somersetshire Archæological Society.

The London and Middlesex Archæological Society.

The Cambrian Institute.


I.—The Society shall be called The Surrey Archæological Society.

II.—The objects of this Society shall be—

1. To collect and publish the best information on the Ancient Arts and Monuments of the County; including Primeval Antiquities; Architecture, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military; Sculpture; Paintings on Walls, Wood, or Glass; Civil History and Antiquities, comprising Manors, Manorial Rights, Privileges and Customs; Heraldry and Genealogy; Costume, Numismatics; Ecclesiastical History and Endowments, and Charitable Foundations, Records, &c, and all other matters usually comprised under the head of Archæology.
2. To procure careful observation and preservation of antiquities discovered in the progress of works, such as Railways, Foundations of Buildings, &c.