Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/65

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3. To encourage individuals or public bodies in making researches and excavations, and afford them suggestions and co-operation.
4. To oppose and prevent, as far as may be practicable, any injuries with which Monuments of every description may, from time to time, be threatened; and to collect accurate drawings, plans, and descriptions thereof.

III.—The subjects of all communications received, together with the names of the authors, shall be registered in a book kept for the purpose by the Honorary Secretary, which book shall be open to the inspection of the Members of the Society.

IV.—The Society shall consist of Members and Honorary Members.

V.—Each Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of Ten Shillings, to be due on the 1st of January in each Year, in advance, or £5 in lieu thereof, as a Composition for Life; and on and after the 1st of January, 1854, an entrance fee of Ten Shillings shall be paid by each New Member, whether Annual or Life Subscriber.

VI.—All payments to be made to the Treasurer, to the account of the Society, at such Banking-house in the Metropolis as the Society may direct; and no cheque shall be drawn except by order of the Council; and every cheque shall be signed by two Members thereof, and the Honorary Secretary.

VII.—The Subscriptions of Members shall entitle them to one copy of all publications issued by direction of the Council during their Membership; and no publication shall be issued to Members whose Subscriptions are in arrear.

VIII.—Every person desirous of being admitted a Member, must be proposed agreeably to the form annexed to these Rules;[1] and this form must be subscribed by him and by a Member of the Society, and addressed to the Honorary Secretary, to be submitted to the Council, who will ballot for his election,—one black ball in five to exclude.

IX.—Ladies desirous of becoming Members will be expected to conform to Rule 8, so far as relates to their nomination, but will be admitted without ballot.

X.—Persons eminent for their works or scientific acquirements shall be eligible to be associated to the Society as Honorary Members, and be elected at a General Meeting; and no person shall be nominated to this class without the sanction of the Council.

XI.—The Lord-Lieutenant of the County, all Members of the House of Peers residing in, or who are Landed Proprietors in the County; also all Members of the House of Commons representing the County or its Boroughs; the High Sheriff of the County for the time being, and such other persons as the Council may determine, shall be invited to become Vice-Presidents, if Members of the Society.

XII.—The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council of Management, to consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, an Honorary Secretary, and Twenty-four Members, eight of whom shall go

  1. Copies of the form may be had from the Secretaries.