Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/66

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out annually, by rotation, but be eligible for re-election. Three Members of the Council (exclusive of Honorary Secretary) shall form a quorum.

XIII.—An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of June, at such time and place as the Council shall appoint, to receive and consider the Report of the Council on the state of the Society, and to elect the Officers for the ensuing twelve months.

XIV.—There shall be also such other General Meetings in each year for the reading of papers and other business, to be held at such times and places as the Council may direct.

XV.—The Council may at any time call a Special General Meeting, and they shall at all times be bound to do so on the written requisition of Ten Members, specifying the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice of the time and place of such Meeting shall be sent to the Members at least fourteen days previously, mentioning the subject to be brought forward; and no other subject shall be discussed at such Meeting.

XVI.—The Council shall meet for the transaction of business connected with the management of the Society on the first Thursday in each Month.

XVII.—At every Meeting of the Society, or of the Council, the resolutions of the majority present shall be binding, and at such Meetings the Chairman shall have a casting vote, independently of his vote as a Member of the Society or of the Council, as the case may be.

XVIII.—The Council shall be empowered to appoint Local Secretaries in such places in the County as may appear desirable.

XIX.—Honorary Members and Local Secretaries shall have all the privileges of Members except that of voting.

XX.—The whole effects and property of the Society shall be under the control and management of the Council, who shall be at liberty to purchase books, casts, or other articles, or to exchange or dispose of duplicates thereof.

XXI.—The Council shall have the power of publishing such papers and engravings as may be deemed worthy of being printed, together with a Report of the proceedings of the Society, to be issued in the form of an Annual Volume.

XXII.—The composition of each Life Member, less his entrance-fee, and so much of the surplus of the income as the Council may direct (after providing for the current expenses, printing the Annual Volume, &c.), shall be invested in Government Securities, as the Council may deem most expedient; the interest only to be available for the current disbursements; and no portion shall be withdrawn without the sanction of a General Meeting.

XXIII.—Two Members shall be annually appointed to audit the accounts of the Society, and to report thereon at the General Annual Meeting.

XXIV.—No religious or political discussions shall be permitted at Meetings of the Society, nor topics of a similar nature admitted in the Society's publications.

XXV.—No change shall be made in the Rules of the Society except at a Special General Meeting.