Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/29

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EVEN THOUGH YOUR TELEPHONE MAY CONTINUE TO WORK, USE IT ONLY FOR TRUE EMERGENCIES. Neither explosive nor lingering radioactivity has any effect on the operation of most mechanical or electrical devices. Unless the wires are down or there is, a power failure, both your lights and telephone should continue to work. But don't rush to the phone just to find out how Aunt Susie may have weathered the attack. Leave the lines open for real emergency traffic.

The bomb's radioactivity will not interfere with the operation of your radio. In the event of attack, be sure to turn it on. It may be your main source of emergency instructions. And don't forget: Battery-operated portable sets, including those installed in automobiles, will continue to work even if the city power goes off. Television reception, like radio, won't be jammed by radioactivity.


KEEP THE FAMILY CAR OFF THE STREET. RADIOACTIVITY WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH ITS OPERATION. One more household suggestion: In times of emergency don't park the family automobile on the street. Leave the way clear for emergency traffic. Keep the windows rolled up to prevent possible contamination of the interior by underwater or ground bursts and don't worry whether or not it will run. Radioactivity won't interfere with operation of its fuel or ignition system.