Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/30

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EVERYTHING IN THIS BOOKLET APPLIES TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. Everything in this booklet holds true for all members of the family, including children, old people, or shut-ins. It would be a good idea to talk over the facts with all members of the family to be sure each understands. People with school children should discuss the booklet with teachers and other parents at PTA meetings and similar gatherings.

You may be sure that, in times of emergency, all schools will be well organized for the protection of children.

Children old enough to understand can be taught to do the right things. Younger children simply will have to depend on their parents.


BLAST AND HEAT ARE THE GREATEST DANGERS YOU FACE. To sum up, always remember that blast and heat are the two greatest dangers you face. The things that you do to protect yourself from these dangers usually will go a long way toward providing protection from the explosive radioactivity loosed by atomic explosions.

While the lingering radioactivity that occasionally follows some types of atomic bursts may be dangerous, still it is no more to be feared than typhoid fever or other diseases that sometimes follow major disasters. The only difference is that we can't now ward it off with a shot in the arm; you must simply take the known steps to avoid it.