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47 Diseases from excessive drinking and their treatment. 48 Symptoms, causes, and treatment of excessive thirst. 49 Causes, Symptoms and treatment of vomiting. 50 Causes, symptoms and treatment of Hiccough. 51 Causes, symptoms, and treatment of Dyspnoea. 52 Causes, symptoms and treatment of cough. 53 Aphonia. 54 Entozoa. 55 Causes, symptoms and treatment of retention of excrements. 56 Causes, symptoms and treatment of Dyspeptic and Choleric diarrhoea. 57 Anorexia and its treatment. 58 Causes, symptoms and treatment of cystic and urethral affections. 59 Causes and treatment of urine diseases. These twenty one chapters describe the remaining diseases of Kayachikitsa; (which forms the third division of the Ayurveda)

Chapter 60 Causes, symptoms and treatment of diseases caused by superhuman powers. 61 Causes symptoms and treatment of Epilepsy. 62 Mania. These three chapters form the Bhuta Vidya (the fourth division of the Ayurveda).

Chapter 63 on the different varieties of flavour. 64 General rules for the preservation of health. 65 Deductions and inductions drawn from the texts and study of the Ayurveda. 66 On the varieties of morbid elements (humours). These four chapters are to be understood as being supplementary, and as ornaments to this division.