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This last division from its superiority over the others, the great sages have called the Excellent (Uttaram). From the information it gives on varied subjects, it is called the best, the permanent and the last.

In this division which is called the last, there are included four divisions (of the Ayurveda) viz, Shalakyam, (treatment of diseases of parts situated above the clavicles), 2 Kaumarabhrityam (management of children), 3 Kayachikitsa general diseases) and 4 Bhuta-Vidya.

The division (named) Vajeekaranam (on the strengthening of virile power, etc.) and Rasayanam remedies preserving vigor, etc.) have been included in the (fourth) division (of this treatise called Chikitsa).

The doctrine of antidotes comes under the head of Kalpa of this treatise and Shalyam surgery is incidentally treated throughout the book. Thus these are the eight limbs divisions of the Science of Medicine proclaimed to the world by the original god. Those, who study them with due care and make use of the knowledge with caution, shall preserve the lives of men on this earth. It is imperatively necessary that the book should be read; and after having read it one should attend to the practice (of the science). The physician who has learnt these both, is lit to be honoured by kings,