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dryness of the epidermis (skin). The sense of touch is perceptibly affected, and perspiration is entirely stopped. The medical treatment in such a case consists in the application of medicated unguents, lubrications, diaphoretics, and adoption of measures (that tend to produce a copious perspiration).

In the case of loss or waste of the catamenial flow, the menses do not appear at the appointed time or are scanty. The vagina seems stuffed and painful. The medical treatment in such cases consists in the adoption of alterative or cleansing measures, and in the administration of drugs of a heat-making (Ágneya) potency or virtue.

The loss or waste of breast-milk is characterised by a shrunken condition of the mammæ, and suppression or scanty secretion of the fluid. The medical treatment in such cases lies in the administration of drugs which generate Kapham.

The atrophy or wasting of the fœtus in the womb (during the period of gestation) is marked by the absence of any movement in the uterus and the nondistended condition of the sides or walls of the abdomen. The treatment consists in the application of Kshira Vastis (enemas of medicated milk into the region of the uterus) in the eighth month of gestation, and prescribing courses of emollient fare for the patient (mother)*[1]

  1. * Several editions read invigorating diets, egg, etc.