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Now we shall describe the symptoms which mark the excess (excessive accumulation in the body) of any of the fundamental humours, principles and excrements of the body.

The quantities of these humours, principles and secretion, are abnormally increased through the use of substances that primarily contribute to their formation in the organism.*[1]

An excess of Váyu in the body is marked by such symptoms as roughness of the skin,†[2] emaciation of the body, darkness of complexion (lit : blackness of hue), a little tremor or trembling of the limbs, longing for heat, or for hot things, insomnia, thickness or increased consistency of the fecal matter and decrease of bodily strength. (Similarly, an abnormal) increase of Pittam is characterised by a sallow complexion or a yellowish colour of the skin, a general burning sensation in the body as well as insomnia, a craving for cold contacts and cooling things, diminution of strength, weakness of the sense organs, fits of fainting and yellowness of the conjunctivæ, stool and urine.

An excess of Kapham in the body is marked by such symptoms, as the whiteness, coldness and numbness of the body, heaviness of the limbs, a

  1. *Several Editions read it as an additional text.
  2. † Several Editions read roughness of speech.