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sense of drowsiness and languor, somnolence, and a feeling of looseness of the bone-joints.

Similarly, an increased germination of lymph chyle (Rasa) in the body is manifest by such characteristics as, nausea, water-brash, and an increased flow of salivary secretion. A plethora of blood in the system gives a reddish glow to the complexion and the white of the eyes, and imparts fullness to the veins. An increase of flesh is marked by the rotundity and fullness of the buttocks and the lips, as well as of the penis, arms, and the thighs, and an increased heaviness of the whole body. An excess of fat in the body imparts an oily gloss to the skin. The sides of the abdomen are increased in bulk, and the body emits a fetid smell, and the person is assailed with cough and dyspnoea. An excessive formation of bone (abnormal ossification) is attended with such symptoms as the cutting of additional teeth and the abnormal development of any of the bone-structures. An excessive formation of marrow gives rise to a heaviness of the eyes and to the members of the body.

An excess of semen in the body is marked by an excessive flow of that fluid and gives rise to the formation of gravels (concretions) in the bladder which are known as Shukráshmari. An abnormal increase in the formation of fecal matter is attended with distension of the abdomen and colic pains in the loins and the intestines. An excessive formation of urine is manifest by constant