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flesh of any domestic (Gramya) or aquatic (Anupa) beast or bird, as well as the flesh of those which live in marshy ground (Audaka), should not be eaten with boiled rice prepared from paddy which has commenced sprouting, or with lard, honey, milk, treacle or Masha-pulse. The pot-herbs,, known as the Rohini and the Jatu-shaka, should not be partaken of in combination with milk and honey; nor the flesh of a heron, eaten simultaneously with Kulmasha and the spirituous liquor known as Varuni. Maricha (black pepper) and Pippalis should not be eaten in combination with the pot-herbs known as the Kakamachi. The pot-herbs known as the Nadima and Siddhi should not be simultaneously eaten with curd, and the flesh of a cock. Honey should not be taken immediately after drinking warm water, nor meat and bile should be simultaneouly eaten. Sura (wine), Krishara and Payasa should not be taken in combination. Similarly, Souviraka and sesamum paste, fish and modifications of sugarcane juice, treacle and Kakamachi, honey and Mulakam, treacle and the flesh of a wild boar, or honey and boar's flesh should not be taken in combination.

Similarly, milk and Mulakam, mango fruit and Jamboline fruit and the flesh of Godha, Porcupine and hog should not be eaten together. All fish, specially those of the Chilichimi species, should not be taken with