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milk, nor the fruit of a plantain tree should be simultaneously eaten with Tala fruit, milk or whey. The fruit known as Lakucha should not be taken with milk, curd or meat soup, nor with honey and clarified-butter, nor immediately before or after the drinking of milk.

Incompatible preparations of food:— Now we shall enumerate the names of substances, which become unwholesome through incompatible preparations. Flesh of pigeon fried with mustard oil should not be eaten. The flesh of a Kapinjala, Myura (peacock), Lava, Tittira, and Godha, boiled with castor oil and on a fire of the twigs of castor plants, should not be eaten. Clarified-butter, kept in a vessel of Indian bell metal for ten consecutive days, should be rejected as unwholesome. Honey should not be used in combination with an article or substance heated by fire, nor in the seasons of spring and autumn. The pot-herbs known as the Kakamachi, boiled in a bowl in which fish or ginger had been previously boiled or prepared, should be rejected as positively injurious.

Similarly, the pot-herbs known as the Upodika should not be eaten by boiling them with the levigated paste of sesamum. The flesh of a heron prepared with hog's lard should not be taken with the pulp of the cocoanut fruit. The flesh of a Bhasa bird, roasted on a spit over a charcoal fire, should not be eaten.