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body (such as fistula in ano), as well as stone in the bladder and diseases due to a derangement of fat.*[1]

Lekhyam:—The surgical operation known as scarification Lekhya should be resorted to in the following diseases, viz, the four types of Rohini, Kilasa, Upajihva, diseases having their seat in the deranged fat, Danta-Vaidarbha, Granthi, Vrana-Vartma, Adhi-Jihva, Arshah, Mandala, Mansa-kandi, and Mansonnati.

Vyadhanam:—The Surgical operation known as Vyadhanam (aspiration) should be made use of in connection with a vein, or a case of Dakodaram (abdominal dropsy), or Mutra-Vriddhi (hydrocele). Diseases, in connection with which the probe or the director should be used, are Nadis (sinus) and ulcers with any extraneous or foreign body lodged in their inside, and those which follow abnormal (lateral or oblique) directions.

Aharyam:—The process known as Aharanam (extraction or drawing out) should be adopted in the three types of Sharkara, †[2] in drawing out any morbid matter from between the teeth or from the cavity of the ears, or in extracting any foreign matter from its seat of lodgment in the body, or a stone from the

  1. *Granthi (gland), Galaganda (goitre), vriddhi (scrotal tumour) Apachi (scrofula) and Arvuda (tumour) are the fat-origined diseases contemplated as instances.
  2. †Such as urinary calculi, calcareous deposits on the teeth, and Pada-Sharkara.