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[ Chap. XXV.

bladder, or in drawing out feces from the constricted anus, or a foetus from the uterus, (as in the case of a false presentation or difficult labour).

Sravyam:—Secreting or evacuating measures (Sravyam) should be adopted in the following diseases, viz, the five types of Vidradhi excepting the Sannipatika one, Kustha of whatsoever type, derangement of the bodily Vayu with pain in the affected region, inflammatory swellings restricted to any particular part of the body, diseases affecting the ear-lobes, Shleepada (elephantiasis) blood poisoning, Arvuda (tumours), Visarpa (erysipelas), Granthi (glands due to any of the deranged Vayu, Pittam, or Kapham) the three types of Upadansha (syphilis), Stana-roga (inflammation of the mammae), Vidarika, Shaushira, Gala-Shaluka, Kantaka, Krimi-dantaka worm-eaten teeth), Danta-veshta (inflammation of the gums), Upakusha, Shitada, Danta-puppata, diseases of the lips originated through the action of the deranged blood, Pittam or Kapham, and a variety of other diseases passing under the denomination of Kshudra-Roga (minor ailments).

Seevyam:—Suturing (Seevya) should be resorted to in the case of an open ulcer due to the action of the deranged fat after its vitiated contents (morbid matter) had been fully scraped out, as well as in the case of an uncomplicated (curable) Sadya-Vrana (wound or instant ulcer) at any of the joints