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[ Chap. XXXVI.

A plaster, composed of Ajagandha, Ashvagandha, Kala, Asarala, Ekaishika, and Ajashringi pasted together, and applied to the spot, leads to the resolution of a Kaphaja swelling (appearing at any part of the body).

A plaster, composed of the components of the abovesaid groups of medicinal drugs and Lodhram, Pathya, Pinditakam, and Ananta, brings about the resolution of a swelling due to the simultaneous derangement of the three fundamental humours of the body (Sannipatikam).

A medicinal plaster, prescribed for a swelling due to the deranged vayu, should be applied by mixing it with a little rock salt, acid (Amla), and oil or clarified butter. Similarly, a plaster, prescribed for the resolution of a Pittaja swelling, should be applied cold, and with a little quantity of milk added to it. A plaster for the resolution of a Kaphaja swelling should be applied warm to the affected part, and with the addition of a considerable quantity of an alkali and cow's urine.

Pachana Plasters:—A piaster composed of the seeds of Shana, Mula, Shigru, Tila and Sarshapa, Yava-powder, Kinva (enzyme), and linseed pasted together, or one consisting of thermogenetic drugs (such as Kustha, Aguru, etc.), would establish suppuration in a swelling.