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[ Chap. XXXIX.

and Maduhka (Maul) trees, the gummy exudation (Niryasa) of Hingu plants and Laksha trees, as well as salts which are but the saline modifications of earth, Madya (wines) which are but the modified products of Asava (fermented liquors), and secretions of cowdung, or cow's urine which should be understood to mean the animal excrements, in their crude or natural state, should be used where errhines are indicated.

Samshamaniya Drugs:—Now we shall enumerate the names of drugs and substances which soothe or pacify the deranged humours or principles of the body involved in any particular disease (Sanshamanam).

Vata-Samshamana-Varga:— The following drugs, viz. Bhadradaru, Kustha, Haridra, Varuna, Meshshringi, Vala, Ativala, Artagala, Kachhura, Sallaki, Kuverakshi, Virataru, Sahachara, Agnimantha, Vatsadani, Eranda, Ashmabhedaka, Alarka, Arka, Shatavari, Punarnava, Vasuka, Vasira. Kanchanaka, Bhargi, Karpasi, Vrishchiaali, Pattura, Vadara, Yava, Kola, Kulattha, etc. and the drugs forming the group of Vidari-gandhadi-Gana, as well as those belonging to the first two groups of Panchamula (Mahat and Svalpa), are possessed of the general virtue of soothing (restoring to its normal state) the deranged (Vayu) Vata.

Pitta-Samshamana-Varga:—The drugs known as Chandana, Kuchandana, Hrivera, Ushira,