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Manjishtha, Payasya, Vidari, Shatavari, Gundra, Shaivala, Kahlara, Kumuda, Utpala, Kadali, Kandali, Durva, Murva, etc. and the drugs forming the groups of Kakolyadi, Sarivadi, Anjanadi, Utpaladi, Nyagrodhadi, and Trina-Panchamula groups generally prove soothing to the deranged Pittam.

Shleshma - Samshamana- Varga:—The drugs known as Kaleyaka, Aguru, Tilaparni, Kushtha, Haridra, Shitashiva, Shatapushpa, Sarala, Rasna, Prakiryya, Udakiryya, Ingudi, Sumanah, Kakadani, Langalaki, Hastikarna, Munjataka, Lamajjaka, etc. and the drugs belonging to the groups of Valli and Kantak Panchamulas and those composing the Pippalyadi-Varga, Brihatyadi-Varga, Mushkadi-Varga, Vachadi, Surasadi and Aragvadhadi groups are generally possessed of the efficacy of restoring the deranged Shleshma to its natural state.

The choice of a medicine whether for cleansing or soothing purposes should be determined by the consideration of the strength (intensity) of the disease, and the stamina and the digestive function of the patient under treatment. A medicine (of a soothing or Samshamanam efficacy), which is stronger than the disease it has been applied to combat with, not only checks it with its own soothing virtue but usually gives rise to a fresh malady, on account of its surplus energy being not requisitioned into