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the pitcher should be kept buried in a heap of paddy for a month, or a fortnight. It should be taken out and understood to be ready for use as soon as it would emit a winy or fermented odour. Asavas (fermenting liquours) of animal urines and alkaline substances should be likewise prepared in the foregoing manner.

Preparations of purgative rice Surar (Wines) etc.:—Quantities of Masha pulse and Shali rice should be respectively first soaked and washed in a decoction of purgative roots. Then they should be dried and pounded together and made into balls, which should be subsequently dried in the sun and again pulverised.*[1] After that a separate quantity of Shali rice steamed in the vapours of the aforesaid decoction, and kept apart, should be made into cakes. Then three parts of these cakes should be mixed with one part of the aforesaid powdered ball. The compound thus obtained should be soaked in an adequate quantity of that purgative decoction previously kept apart in an earthen pitcher of the plastered type, described before. The Sura should be deemed ready for use, as soon as it would emit the peculiar honey-like smell. Suras of emetic drugs should be likewise made in the same manner.

Preparations of purgative Souvira-kas (Barley Wines):-Trivrit roots and drugs

  1. *For imparting to it the necessary Enzyme.