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[ Chap. XLV.

digestion. It does not enrage Pittam, and proves beneficial in cases of rigour, phthisis (Shosha) and in diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu and Kapham, as well as in those which affect the female organs of generation. Clarified butter made with the milk of a mare (lit:—any female mammal with unbifurcated hoops) is light in digestion, heat-making in its potency, and astringent in taste. It is appetising, anuretic, and subdues the action of the deranged Kapham.

Clarified butter made with the milk of a woman is possessed of eye-invigorating virtues, and should be regarded as the prototype of divine ambrosia on earth. It is light (in digestion), anti-toxic, stomachic, and constructive. Clarified butter prepared with the milk of a she-elephant is astringent in taste, and brings about a suppression of stool and urine. It is bitter, light, and stomachic (Agnikara), and proves curative in cutaneous affections (Kushtha), poisoning, worms in the intestines, and derangements of the Kapham.

Butter churned out of thickened milk and clarified (Kshira Ghritam) is astringent, and proves beneficial in eye-diseases, haemoptysis, epileptic fits, and vertigo.

The condensed upper stratum of clarified butter (Ghrita-manda) acts as a laxative, cures aching pain in the vagina, ears, eyes, or in the head,