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and is recommended to be used as an errhine, an enema or as eye-drops.

Old clarified butter is laxative and pungent in digestion. It subdues the three deranged bodily humours, and proves curative in epileptic fits, obesity, insanity, abdominal dropsy, fever, chemical poisoning, oedema, hysteria, and in aching pain in the vagina, ears, eyes or head. It is appetising and is recommended to be used as eye-drops and enema, and for sternutatory purposes.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—Old or matured clarified butter proves curative in Timira (Gutta Serena), dyspnoea, catarrh, fever, cough, epileptic fits, and Kushtam, in cases of poisoning, mental aberration, and hysteria ascribed to the influence of malignant planets. Clarified butter matured from eleven to a hundred years is called the Kumbha Gritam (Pitcher clarified butter), while that, which is older than the one of the preceding kind, is called the Mahá GLritam (the great clarified butter). Kumbha Ghritam is said to be possessed of the mystic potency of warding off the invasions of monsters, while the Mahá Ghritam is highly efficacious, sacred, and specifically curative in the disease known as Timira. It acts as a prophylactic against the malignant influences of all evil spirits and baneful planets, and should be taken