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[ Chap. XLV.

by men in whom Vayu predominates. It subdues the deranged Kapham, and improves the strength and intellect.

The Oil Group:—Oils, which belong to the category of fiery (Agneya) substances, are hot or heat-making in their potencies, irritating, and sweet in taste and digestion, and are constructive (Vrinhanam), and pleasant. They expand through the entire system immediately after being drunk or rubbed (Vyavayi), and are subtile, clear, heavy, and laxative (Sara). They tend to expand the bone-joints and contribute to their free and easy movements (Vikasi). They act as spermatopoietics (Vrishyam), and purify the skin, improve the memory, and impart softness to the skin and complexion. They are flesh-making and strength-imparting, and increase the firmness of the body. They are possessed of eye-invigorating virtues, and are anuretic, liquefacient (Lekhana), bitter and stomachic (Pachana). They cure Vayu and Kapham. They are vermifuge and produce a slight Pittam, leaving an astringent after-taste. They relieve aching pain in the head, ears, and the female organs of generation (Yoni), act as purifying agents in respect of the uterus, and prove curative in urticaria.

The use of sesamum oil is recommended in cases of cut, cleft, punctured, severed, lacerated, blistered, thrashed or contused wounds and ulcers, and in burns