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evacuation of stool and urine. The Ahshiki (wine prepared from the bark of Vibhitaka trees etc.) is parchifying, digestant, and slightly produces Kapham. It is possessed of aphrodisiac properties. The wine known as the Kohala brings on the simultaneous derangement of the three fundamental bodily humours, is pleasant to the taste, acts as a purgative (Bhedya) and is possessed of aphrodisiac properties. The wine known as the Jagala (the underlying dregs or residue of wine) is astringent and heat-making in its potency, and acts as a digestant. It is parchifying, and proves beneficial in cough, thirst and phthisis. It is pleasant to the taste, cures diarrhoea, distention of the stomach, piles and oedema. It forms and subdues the deranged Vayu as well. The wine known as the Vakkasa /-"'"^^■^'•I'-'^.long undigested in the stomach owing from the juice 't iing pithless. It is a good appetiser and tends to enrage the deranged Vayu, and acts as a purgative and diuretic tonic. — A.T.) It is heavy and slightly intoxicating. The wine known as the Guda Sidhu (prepared with the boiled juice of sugar-cane and Dhataki flowers, etc. has a sweet and astringent taste, and acts as an appetiser and digestant. Sugar wine (Sharkara Sidhu) is sweet in its taste, increases one's relish for food, is appetising and diuretic. It subdues the deranged Vayu and is exhilarating, sweet in digestion, and increases the action (lit : rouses up) of the sense organs. The