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[ Chap. XLV.

wine known as the Pakka Rasa Sidhu is possessed of properties similar to the preceding kinds (Sharkar Sidhu). It improves the complexion and imparts strength to the system and relish to one's food. It is pleasant, laxative, appetising and proves beneficial in cases of Kapham and piles and reduces swellings. The wine known as the Sheeta Rasika Sidhu (prepared from the unboiled juice of Sugar-cane in contradistinction with the preceding kinds prepared from the boiled juice of sugar- cane), acts as an anti-epispastic, and a digestant and vocal tonic, proves curative in oedema and abdominal dropsy, improves the complexion, removes the suppression of flatus, urine and stool (Vivandha), and proves beneficial in cases of piles. The wine known as the Akshika Sidhu (prepared from a decoction of Vi^^Ve wme"ith treacle etc. and improved with the +l-ie limpid si^Dhataki) proves beneficial in cases of ulcer and jaundice. It is light and astringent, and has a sweet and astringent taste. It subdues the deranged Pittam and purifies the blood. The wine known as the Jamvava Sidhu (wine prepared from the expressed juice of the Jambalin fruit, a decoction of coriander seeds, treacle and Dhataki flowers, etc.) is anuretic, reduces the quantity of urine, has an astringent taste, and tends to enrage the bodily Vayu. The wine known as the Surasava (Asava distilled with wine instead of with water) is keen, pleasant, and diuretic. It subdues the deranged