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deal with the properties of cooked and prepared food (Kritannas). A gruel (Manda) of fried paddy seasoned with powdered Pippali and Nagara proves a wholesome diet to a patient after the exhibition of purgatives and emetics, inasmuch as it is digestant, appetising and agreeable, and tends to restore the bodily Vayu to its normal condition. Peya is diaphoretic, appetising, light of digestion, diuretic (lit : bladder-cleanser). It allays thirst and hunger, and tends to remove the sense of fatigue and exhaustion. It serves to rekindle an impaired appetite and restore (lit : soothes down) the deranged Vayu to its normal condition. Vilepi acts as an emulcent food and soothes the entire organism. It is tonic, and imparts strength and rotundity to the frame. It is light, astringent, appetising, agreeable, quenches thirst and satisfies hunger. The Yavagu, when cooked with meat, potherbs and fruit, is hard to digest. It is otherwise agreeable, soothing, spermatopoietic, tissue-building, and tonic. Manda is prepared by carefully excluding all the residuary shreds of its component substances, while Peya is cooked without any such exclusion. A gruel, which abounds with such seedy shreds, is called Vilepi, while the variety, which is slightly fluid and extremely seedy in its consistency, is named Yavagu. The preparation known as the Payasa (a sort of porridge cooked by boihng rice with milk and sugar) is long retained in the stomach in an undigested state and is heavy of digestion,