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[ Chap. XLVI.

though it tends to impart strength to the body, and generates fat and Kapham in the organism.

The dish called Krishara (a gruel cooked by boiling rice with flesh and sesamum) generates the Kapham and Pittam, imparts strength to the body, and subdues the Vayu. A meal consisting of white coloured, well threshed, sweet smelling rice, which has been washed with care and properly boiled, and well strained afterwards, is digested with ease and in the shortest space of time, in the event of it being eaten hot or warm. On the contrary, a meal consisting of uncleansed and unwashed rice improperly boiled and taken cold without having been properly strained takes a longer time to be digested. Fried rice is light and aromatic, and generates the Kapham. Rice boiled and cooked with clarified butter or any such fatty substance, as well as with meat, acid fruits, or with any kind of pulse, forms a rich and heavy food which helps to build up new tissues, and imparts strength and rotundity to the body. Rice boiled and cooked with milk (in a manner other than that of preparing the Payasa) acquires properties similar to those of the preceding one. A soup made of any sort of fried pulse (such as the Mudga, etc.! without its husks is light and wholesome. Similarly, potherbs (Shakas) well boiled and well squeezed and subsquently cooked with oil or any ohter