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[ Chap. XLVI.

articles of food known as the Gaudikas prepared by putting treacle into doughs of corn-flour) are flesh-making, spermutopoietic, and heavy in respect of digestion. They subdue the Vayu and Pittam and generate the Kapham, and do not give rise to any reactionary acidity after digestion. The articles of food bolonging to the groups of Madhumastakas, Sanyavas, and Pupas, are heavy in respect of digestion but are flesh building in their properties. Modakas are extremely indigestible. Sattakas (curd cream saturated with unrefined sugar and powdered Trikatus, and then filtered through a piece of clean linen, and seasoned with camphor and pomegranate seeds) impart a relish to the food. They are appetising, beneficial to the voice, heavy in respect of digestion, extremely palatable and strength-giving. They subdue the Vayu and Pittam (Kapham according to others . Vishyandana*[1] is agreeable, aromatic, sweet and demulcent. It destroys the Vayu, and generates the Kapham and is heavy, and strength-giving. Articles of food or confectionary made of powdered wheat (Samita act as constructive tonics, and subdue the Vayu and Pittam. Of these, the variety known as the Phenaka Khaja of our present-day confectioners) is agreeable, extremely wholesome and light. Cakes stuffed with Mudga-Veshavaras are long

  1. *Powdered wheat treated with milk, clarified butter and treacle, and made into a paste neither too Thick nor too thin in its consistency is called Vishyandana.