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retained in the stomach in an undigested state, while those containing minced and pasted meat (Veshavaras) are heavy and flesh building in their properties. Confectionary known as the Palalas (a preparation of treacle, pasted sesamum and corn flour) generates the Kapham; while the Shashkulis (Luchis and Kachuris of our modern confectioners) tend to increase the Pittam and Kapham in the organism. Cakes made of powdered rice (Pishtakas) are heat-making in their potency and tend to enrage or aggravate the Kapham and Pittam. They further give rise to a reactionary acidity after digestion, and are specially heavy in respect of digestion, and are slightly strength-imparting. Confectionary made of Vaidalas (such as the Mudga pulse etc.) has an astringent taste, is light in respect of digestion, subdues the Vayu and Kapham, is purgative, and tends to restore the Pittam to its normal state, though apt to be long retained in the stomach in an undigested state. Cakes made of Masha pulse are tonic, spermatopoietic and heavy of digestion. Similarly, those that are made of Kurchika are heavy in respect of digestion and do not inordinately generate the Pittam. Articles of confectionary made of sprouting Mudgas, etc., are heavy of digestion, generate the Vayu and Pittam, give rise to a reactionary acidity after digestion, and tend to bring on nausea and waterbrash (Utklehsha), besides producing a parched condition in the organism, and also affecting