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Now we shall discourse on the Nidanam of Asmari (urinary calculi). I.

The disease admits of being divided into four several types, such as the Vataja, the Pittaja, the Kaphaja and the Sukraja (Seminal) concretions. An exuberance or preponderance of the deranged Kapham should be under-stood as the underlying cause of all invasions of this disease. 2.

General aetiology:—The Kaphah of a man, who neglects to cleanse (Samsodhana) the internal channels of his organism, or is in the habit of taking unwholesome food, enraged and aggravated by its own exciting causes, is carried into the urinary bladder. Here it becomes saturated with the urine, and gives rise to the formation of concretions or gravels in its cavity. 3,

Premonitory Symptoms:—An aching pain in the bladder, with a non-relish for food, difficulty in urination, an excruciating pain in the scrotum, penis, and the neck of the bladder, febrile symptoms, physical lassitude, and a goat-like smell in the urine are the symptoms, which indicate the formation of gravel in the bladder. 4.

Metrical Text;—The deranged Doshas involved in a particular case respectively impart their specific colour to the urine, and determine the character of the accompanying pain. The urine becomes thick, turbid, and vitiated with the action of the aggravated Doshas, and micturition becomes extremely painful. 5.

Leading Indications:— A sort of excruciating pain is experienced either about the umbilicus, or in the bladder, or at the median rape of the