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Chap. XL. ]

Static or Dynamic causes of Diseases and Treatment: — Some diseases are due to the dynamics of Karmas (deeds done by a man in the present or any prior existence), and some are due to the effects of deranged bodily Doshas, while there may be others which have their origin both in the dynamics of Karma and the necessary physiological (Doshaja) causes. Of these a Karma-origined disease may come on without any apparent exciting factor and it disappears with the extinction of its (Karma's) result effected by means of any remedial measure (e. g., penance, etc.) other than medical treatment, whereas as a Dosha-origined disease is conquered as soon as the involved deranged Doshas of the body are restored to their normal condition. Cases due to a slight derangement of the bodily Doshas but attended with a good deal of troubles as well as those due to the excessive aggravation of the Doshas but attended with only slight troubles should be attributed both to the physiological causes and to the dynamics of Karma, and these are cured only when both of these causes viz., Karma and aggravated Doshas are removed. 98.

Grahani:— The Grahani (lit. the uppermost extremity or the receiving ducts of the intestines) is affected by the causes which produce dulness of appetite. The digestive fire of a patient is again deranged, even after *[1] the subsidence of an attack of Atisára, if, with the dulness of appetite, he be still intemperate and injudicious in matters of food and drink. Hence the regimen of diet and conduct in a case of Atisára should be as laid down in connection with the

  1. * The use of " " in the text shows, say the commentators, that Grahani is possibie even without a previous attack of Atisára.