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[Chap. XL.

sequel of any purgative course (Virechana), until the deranged Doshas of the body would be completely restored to their normal condition, bringing in the natural health and strength in their train. The sixth Kalá which has been described as the Pitta-dhará Kalá (Pitta- containing sheath) is situated between Pakváśaya and Ámáśaya (duodenum ?) is called Grahani. The strength of the organ of Grahani is dependent on the digestive fire (Agni) and the latter is situate in the former. Hence anything that impairs the digestive fire (Agni) necessarily affects the Grahani. 99-102.

The aggravation of one or all the bodily Doshas leads to the derangement of the Grahani into which the food taken is passed off in the shape of undigested fecal matter, or if it is digested, it sometimes produces constipation of the bowels and sometimes liquid motions accompained (in both cases) by pain and fetid smell. The disease is called Grahani (chronic diarrhœa ?) by experienced Physicians. 103.

Premonitory Symptoms:— Incomplete digestion, lassitude or a sense of physical langour, laziness, thirst, a sense of exhaustion, weakness, aversion to food, cough, ringing in the ears (Karna-Kheda) and rumbling sound in the intestines are the symptoms which mark the premonitory stage of the disease. 104.

Symptoms: — Swelling or œdema of the hands and of the feet, emaciation, pain at the joints, greediness, thirst, vomiting, fever, aversion to food, burning sensation, eructations of bitter, acid or fermented taste, or of those smelling of blood or smoke, water-brash, bad taste in the mouth and non-relish for food, as well an attack of Tamaka-Śvása (variety of asthma) are the indications of the developed stage of the disease (Grahani). 105.