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Chap. XL ]

Specific Symptoms of Grahani:— A case of the Vátaja type is accompained by a severe aching pain at the anus, thorax (Hridaya), sides, abdomen and the head. A case of the Pittaja type is marked by a burning sensation in the body, while the one of Kaphaja origin is characterised by a sense of heaviness in the limbs. A case of Tri-Doshaja Grahani exhibits symptoms belonging to all the symptoms of the three cases (Vátaja, Pittaja and Kaphaja types). The deranged bodily Dosha involved in a case imparts its characteristic colour to the finger-nails, eyes, face and excreta (stool and urine) of the patient. Thus it furnishes a satisfactory clue to the diagnosis of the disease, which, if neglected or unchecked at the outset, may usher in an attack of Hridroga (disease of the heart), Pándu (chlorosis), Udara (ascites, etc), Gulma, piles and enlargement of spleen. 106.

Treatment and Diet:— Appropriate emetics and purgatives should be exhibted (for cleansing the upper and lower parts of the body) in accordance with the aggravation of the Dosha or Doshas involved, and Peyás (gruels) and other articles of diet duly prepared with appetising drugs should then he prescribed in their due order. Therapeutic agents possessed of digestive, astringent and appetising virtue should then be employed through the vehicles of Surá, Arishta (wine), Sneha (oil or clarified butter), cow's urine, tepid water, or Takra. The use of Takra in the morning is in itself an excellent cure for the disease (Grahani). Remedies mentioned in connection with the treatment of worms in the intestines, Gulma, ascites or piles may also be adopted with benefit in the disease under discussion. The compound known as the Hingvádichurna, or the medicated clarified butter described as