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[Chap. XLI.

all distressing symptoms or concomitants. Complications peculiar to the action of the deranged bodily Váyu generally mark a case due to sexual excess, wherein constructive tonics and remedial agents of Váyu-subduing virtue would be found to be extremely efficacious. 21 — 22.

Diet — meat, etc.: — The flesh of a crow or an owl or a mungoose or a cat or a Gandupada (earth-worm) or a cormorant or a beast of prey (Vyála) or of any animal of the Vileśaya or Jángala class mixed with Saindhava salt and fried in mustard oil, should be prescribed in various ways for a patient laid up with Phthisis. The diet may also consist of Mudga-soup or of Ádhaki-soup or of the flesh of an ass, camel, elephant, mule or horse variously prepared and well cooked. Meat in combination with any Arishta as well as wine mixed with Mádhvika may also be given. 23.

Various articles of food made of barley-grains previously soaked in the alkaline water duly prepared with Arka and Amritá may likewise be prescribed. Clarified butter skimmed off from the milk of a ewe or a she-goat, may be given with gruel at the meal-time to an extremely emaciated patient. A compound consisting of Tri-katu, Chavya and Vidanga made into a paste with honey and clarified butter should be given to be licked up by a patient suffering from Phthisis. The use of a medicated clarified butter duly cooked with the essence of the flesh of any carnivorous animal and mixed with Pippali and honey as an after-throw proves remedial in a case of Phthisis. A lambative consisting of Drâkshá, sugar and Mágadhiká pasted together with honey and oil proves efficacious as a cure for Phthisis. A case of Phthisis would yield to the use of a lambative consisting of Tila, Másha-pulse and Aśvgandhá ground