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Chap. XLI.]

to a fine paste with the addition of honey and clarified butter skimmed out of the milk of a she-goat, or of sugar, Aśvagandhá and Pippali pounded together and made into a fine paste with the addition of honey and clarified butter. Milk duly cooked with the admixture of Aśvagandhá may be prescribed as a constructive tonic. Butter skimmed out of the preceding preparation of milk and mixed with copious quantity of sugar should be taken, as an alternative, every morning and this should be then followed by a draught of milk. 24.

Aśvagandhá, Punarnavá and Yava should be used in rubbing (Utsádana) the body of the patient. Clarified butter duly cooked with (the decoction of) the whole of a Vásaka tree (viz., its roots, leaves, branches and barks) and with its flower (as Kalka) and mixed with an adequate quantity of honey*[1] should be taken by a consumptive patient strictly conforming to the regimen of diet Thus a virulent attack of Phthisis accompanied with cough, asthma and chlorosis would be speedily conquered. 25-26.

A wise physician should take equal parts of clarified butter, milk, decoctions of Murvá, Haridrá and of Khadira and the expressed liquid of the dungs of a cow, a horse, an elephant, a she-goat and a ewe. Ten equal parts of the above ten articles should be duly boiled and cooked together with the Kalka of powdered Tri-katu, Tri-phalá, Devadáru and the drugs of the sweet (Kákolyádi) group. This medicated clarified butter would be found highly beneficial in the cure of Phthisis (Yakshmá). 27.

Six Pátra measures of the duly prepared decoction of Daśa-mula, Varuna, Karanja, Bhallátaka, Vilva, the two

  1. * This preparation is also found in the Charaka Samhitá though in different language under the treatment of Rakta-pitta.