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[Chap. LXII.

Mahá-Kalyána Ghrita:— Clarified butter duly cooked with twice as much of milk and with Vidanga, Tri-phalá, Musta, Manjishthá, Dádima, Utpala, Śyámá, Ela-váluká, Elá, (red) Chandana, Deva-dáru, Barhishtha (Bálaka), Haridrá, Kushtha, Parnini Śála-parni), Sárivá, Harenuká, Trivrit, Danti, Vacha, Tálisa-patra, Nága-keśara and Málati flowers as Kalka(is called Kalyána Ghrita*[1] and) proves curative in cases of Gulma, cough, fever, asthma, phthisis and insanity. Clarified butter duly cooked with four times as much of milk and with the aforesaid drugs as Kalka and with the drugs of the Kákolyádi group added to it by way of an after-throw is called Mahá-kalyána Ghrita. The range of its therapeutic application includes (such ailments as) Apasmára, (attack by) Graha, consumption, impotency, emaciation and sterility as well as the diseases mentioned above. 12.

Phala Ghrita:— Clarified butter duly cooked with Bálaka, Kushtha, Manjishthá, Katuka, Elá, Haridrá, Tri-phalá, Hingu, Aśvagandhá, Deva-dáru, Vacha, Yamáni, Kákoli, Medá, Yashti-madhu and Padmaki as Kalka) , and with four times as much of milk and with sugar as an after-throw would be beneficial. It should also be prescribed for infants struck by malignant stars as well as for male adults of evil propensities and short intellect. This is known as Phala-Ghrita*[2] and removes barrenness of women 13.

Bráhmi(Manduka-parni), Aindri, Vidanga, Tri-katu, Hingu, Surá (Deva-dáru), Jatá (Jatá-mámsi), Vishaghni(Haridrá), Laśuna (garlic), Rásná, Viśalyá (Guduchi), Surasá, Vacha, Jyotishmati, Nága-vinná (a kind of

  1. * According to Dallana the mentions of these two recipes (Kalyána Ghrita and Phala Grita) are interpolations.
  2. * According to Dallana the mentions of these two recipes (Kalyána Ghrita and Phala Grita) are interpolations.