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Chap. LXII]

Indra-váruni), Anantá, Abhayá and Souráshtri taken in equal parts should be pounded together and made into a paste with the addition of elephant's urine. It should then be dried in the shade, and Vartis should be prepared thereof. These should be used by an intelligent person as an Anjana, unguent, snuff, fumigation and Avapida. 14.

Blood-letting from the Uras (chest), Apánga (outer corner of the eye) and Laláta (forehead) should be resorted to. Measures and drugs mentioned in connection with the treatment of Apasmára and Graha-roga may be likewise employed in the present instance. Oily purgatives (Sneha-vasti) should be administered after the subsidence of the deranged Dosha. 15.

In a case of the fifth kind (viz. Śokaja) of insanity the cause of grief should be first removed. In all forms of insanity the restoration of the serenity of mind should be first attempted. Mild and gentle forms of these remedies should be resorted to in a case of Mada (preliminary stage of insanity). Mild anti-venomous (anti-toxin) measures should be resorted to in a case (of insanity due to the effects of poison. 17-18.

Thus ends the sixty-second chapter in the Uttara-Tantra of the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Insanity.

Here ends the Bhuta-vidyá-Tantra.