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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the different combinations of the (six) different Rasas (Rasa-bheda-vikalpa Adhyáya). 1.

The fifteen different combinations of the Doshas already spoken of (in Chapter XXI, Sutra-Sthána) are meant only for the sixty-three different combinations of the (six) Rasas (taken one, two, three, four, five or all at a time). They (viz. the different Doshas) may be manifest separately (Avidagdha) or combinedly (Vidagdha) with one another and the number of their combinations should be taken to be sixty-three pari passu with the sixty-three different combinations of the (six) different Rasas. In other words, the combinations of the Doshas with one another already spoken of should be considered by an intelligent person to be sixty-three in all (and not fifteen only, as spoken of in Chapter XXI, Sutra-Sthána). 2 — 3.

Enumeration— Taken two at a time:— The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) coming first in the order of enumeration has got five combinations (with the other five Rasas) taken two at a time. Similarly Amla Rasa (acid taste) has got four combinations and Lavana Rasa (saline taste) has got three. Katuka Rasa (pungent taste) has got two and Tikta Rasa (bitter taste) has got only one with Kasáya Rasa (astringent taste). The different combinations taken two at a time are thus fifteen in all. They are as follows: — (1) Sweet and acid, (2) sweet and saline, (3) sweet and pungent (4) sweet and bitter and (5) sweet and astringent — these are the five combinations of Madhura