Page:Synoptical studies in the Chinese character (1874).djvu/25

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191 wu1, a crow; black; how?
192 niao3, birds.
193 hsiao1, to expose criminals' heads.
194 tao3, islands.
195 yen1, a particle, sometimes interrogative.

196 jên4, the edge of a knife. jen3, to endure; jen4, to recognize.
197 tao1, a knife.
198 tiao1, unruly.
199 li4, strength.

200 shên1, deep.
201 jan3, to dye. Cf. ch'i1, used for seven.
202 liang1, a beam. Cf. No. 196.
203 liang1.2, millet.

204 t'an1.4, to enquire.
205 k'ung4, to accuse.