Page:Synoptical studies in the Chinese character (1874).djvu/56

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633 mo4, silently.
634 ch’ien2, black-haired; Kwei-chow.
635 tien3, a point; to light. See No. 1272.

636 ho4, to congratulate.
637 貿mao4, trade.

638 lei2.3.4, to bind together; to implicate.
639 lüeh3.4, a little; items; sections.

640 lei2, to twist.
641 lei3, a rampart.
642 tieh2, often.

643 chi4, period of 12 years; to record. See No. 966.
644 chi2, degrees of rank. See No. 1231.

645 p’o1, urgent.
646 pi1, to force; to bully.